
Archive for October 2014

Sometimes I think of intriguing questions like this one: Where and when did lemonade get invented?!  Now, you will get the point of my blog if you stay with me.

The first clear evidence of the lemon fruit is found in an early tenth century Arabic work by Qustus-al-Rumi (a book on farming).  Egyptians of the fourteenth century knew of the lemon but as a juice it was bitter and tart—nothing like the popular drink of the day which was a sweet date and honey wine. Along the Mediterranean coast, people drank a kashkab drink of fermented barley and mint, rue, black pepper and citron leaf, which was significantly different than lemon juice. Remember this is way before North America was discovered!

But at some point—and history does not seem clear on how or who—someone had an “ah ha” moment and determined they could take the bitter lemon juice, add a solution of water, some sugar for sweetener and make an incredibly refreshing drink. It was such a success, that hundreds of years later, children set up roadside and neighborhood lemonade stands to offer anyone a cool refreshing drink and made some spending money in the process.

There are always those who can see a bigger vision of the possibilities for something that meets people’s needs. So they took the bitter juice, added some sweetener along with the right solution of water and packaged and bottled it attractively. Companies have joined in and now have mass marketing to promote lemonade under their brand and are selling hundreds of millions of dollars of this drink. What is interesting is that the bitter juice is a necessary ingredient in the mixture.

I think there is a life lesson here, as life will always offer us lemon juice. It is up to us to find the sweetener and the right solution of water for the blend, in order to create something people desire and need. We all need our “ah ha” moment!

Map is back, and so is the excitement of field leaders and TriVita.

Hope to see all of you who want to sell lemonade in 2015 on our November 13, 2014 Livestream event.



I love to walk through the entrance of the TriVita Wellness Center. As you enter the center, you’ll see one of the most important questions in a person’s life inscribed on a beautiful rock wall there: “Why are you here?” Yes, for what purpose are you at the center but more importantly, why are you here on earth?  When connected to that purpose, it is a powerful force for guiding a person and continually motivating them to overcome all adversity in order to live out that purpose. Every one of us will have the setbacks and challenges that life brings but purpose will power you through to success in life.

A few months ago, Susan and I were walking along a marina up in the Northwest and we saw two men sitting along the walkway. Now this was not a walkway filled with people but I noticed each had a sign and a can out in front of them. Both men seemed a bit scruffy and were obviously looking for contributions to their cause. Quite frequently I do give to those less fortunate. I have seen many signs, from need funeral expenses and money to go home, to need food and even one that said need a beer. As we approached the two men I read the sign of the first man: “Need help… my wife left me!” For some reason it did not strike my feelings of sympathy, but my funny bone. I wished each a good morning and walked on.

I would like to share an example of how this man could have viewed his experience negatively, and how he could have viewed it positively to overcome the challenge.

A negative view would be: “I am really having a difficult time in my life feeling helpless. I lost my business, my wife divorced me and I am living in a room with a roommate I hardly know.”

Here is the power of purposeful living expressing the same thing: “I am making a lot of changes in my life to help me succeed in the future. I spent 12 years married to a special woman and even though I will not spend my future with her, I wish her all the best. I am living with a new friend and we are inspiring each other to succeed in life.”

I would like to share a positive message to our ITBOs that something really good is happening at TriVita.  Our future will be filled with sustainable success in our mission of helping people experience greater wellness. We are meeting new friends and inspired to succeed together.

We have new media programs testing this month in television, radio and the Web.  We fully anticipate 2015 to be a year filled with the joy of success and our purpose fulfilled.

It is a close race out there for the African trip. Lots of opportunity for many to join the effort for a trip of a lifetime!!  All products of new people qualify for the points.  Enjoy!
