
Archive for September 2014

Rarely does such an opportunity arise like the one we are offering with the Dream Again Contest. A trip to Africa with all expenses paid that will be a “bucket list” dream come true for two winners and their guests.  I have chosen to blog on this trip to help each of you have a better idea of the fabulous trip it will be and how it is worth every effort you can give to go.

Two winners of the Dream Again Contest (anyone can qualify by signing up as a TriVita ITBO) and their respective guest will join Susan and me leaving from the USA (if Australians win they will meet us in South Africa), flying business class to Johannesburg, South Africa.  If you have not made this trip, I can only say it is a flight experience of a lifetime. Be sure to bring your pajamas or leisure loungers.  After boarding you will change for a night of sleep in your fully reclined bed.  But before you do, you will experience dinning with unlimited service appetizers, entrée, deserts, cheese and fruit plate and drinks of your choice on the house! I would not call this a wellness experience, but it is a dining experience in the skies you will never forget.

You will then have your bed made for you and experience a night of sleep, waking to breakfast before descending into the beautiful country of South Africa.  We will be met by our JAM host and escorted to a hotel attached to the largest mall in Johannesburg, featuring retailers from around the world in a modern beautiful environment. From the very latest in European designer fashion to curios from all over Africa, you can literally get lost in the dazzling displays presented by hundreds of retailers. Susan had to guide me or I would have never found my way out of the humungous multi-storied mall. I guide in the mountains and she guides in the malls!

The first day will allow you to adjust to the time change and give opportunity to enjoy the world-renowned Mandela Square with the multi-story statue of Nelson Mandela and many fabulous restaurants to enjoy.  Learn of the sacrifice and leadership of this man who changed the direction of South Africa and influenced many countries in Africa to go beyond what seemed as fate, to faith for a better tomorrow with liberty and opportunity for all.  This is such an inspiring experience. Here is a quote from Mandela I especially like:  “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.”

We will then fly by charter air to Mozambique, a country that was in such a state of crisis 30 years ago that it was listed as the very worst living conditions on the world misery index. Today, with the support and efforts of organizations and leaders like Peter and Ann Pretorius of JAM, Mozambique is listed in the top 15 fastest growing economies in the world.  It is still full of poverty and need everywhere you look, but it has hope to drive it into the future. Our four-point plan of feeding, educating, clean water and team soccer sports is also making a difference in the lives of children.

You will go with us into the rural areas where they live in grass huts without running water and have subsistent farming—eking out a living.  But their children have hope with our school programs.  You will feed the children and experience their smiles and joyful expressions. We will spend the night in Mozambique and then return to South Africa to join with the Londolozi Family Safaris.

You can try to imagine what a first class safari is like but I can assure you it will never be the same as experiencing a night in Africa with the romance of the setting sun, the sounds of the night animals and if we’re lucky, the roar of the king of beasts that will send a shiver down your spine.  To be up close and personal with the animals, with no fence and nothing between you and their wild behavior, armed with nothing but a fabulous long lens camera provided for you to capture the photos for your memories-for-a- lifetime album…

Susan and I look forward to sharing such an experience with four special people who have a passion and have shared our wellness products with new people to help them experience greater wellness through the Dream Again Contest.  We are thrilled to know we will share this time with others who are giving every effort to help people experience wellness.  Just think, since we started the Drink a Shake and Feed a Child program we have achieved nearly 250, 000 meals for children in our school programs.  We could be over half a million meals by the time the Dream Again Contest is over. But the contest points are for any products a new person would purchase, giving opportunity for all TriVita ITBOs to participate in this fabulous, once-in-a-lifetime trip with Susan and me.

I close with this special memory and thought.  When my little granddaughter, Miss Emmaline, was six years old, she offered some advice all of us can benefit from. Her daddy thought she was not acting on her best behavior so for consequences he took away her dolly and toys.  She responded by saying, “Daddy, you can take away my toys but Daddy, you cannot take away my imagination.”  Life sometimes seems difficult, sometimes we even lose material things and have financial setbacks, health setbacks, but I want to say to each of you, nobody can take away your passion for helping others and the joyful reciprocal rewards for doing so. Let’s Dream Again and let our passion drive us to exploits that are beyond what we think is even possible in helping others.

Susan and I look forward to sharing this very special time with four passionate wellness seekers who want this experience of a lifetime.  Put this on your bucket list but don’t wait. Get started today and you could be with us on the Dream Again African Safari trip!
