
Archive for May 2013

The ultimate challenge is using our talents to achieve what we are purposed to offer mankind. It is the one definite life purpose each of us can truly focus on for the rest of our lives. Are you? Perhaps the oxymoron of that thought is definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement!

Napoleon Hill wrote that the starting point of all achievement is a definiteness of purpose; you should have one high, outstanding goal and always keep it before you. Have clearly defined plans for achieving it. Determine and fix your mind exactly on what you desire! In my words, it is to submit one’s self to God’s purpose for your life and focus clearly on fulfilling it.

For me, the ultimate expression of my life purpose is to develop a movement of people who are seekers of physical, emotional and spiritual wellness, and who share their wellness experiences with others while being reciprocated in money and what money cannot buy. It is the vision behind the launch of TriVita. The desire, passion and vision were birthed when I experienced incredible wellness after a debilitating health crisis. I truly had a life transformation!
Those of you who follow my blogs know I seldom talk much about what TriVita has to offer, but instead attempt to reveal the principles and insights that lead to fulfilling life purpose. It is in the fulfillment of life purpose that the quality of life we desire is truly found.

But today I do want to make an announcement for the Wellness Entrepreneurs in TriVita. Be watching for the WE POWER SYSTEM!! This is the greatest system and tool we have ever developed. It will be unveiled at Galaxy of Stars in July 2013!

In my book, I write about systems as being one of the essentials of wealth. Today huge amounts of wealth (not just financial) are being created in technology in the systematic way of sharing and retrieving information. Twitter and Facebook are just two examples of how many companies and lives are being enriched with systems. If you have a system, it can empower and enhance scope and speed of service. If you are truly interested in creating significant success for your purpose in life, find a system that will support it.

If you are interested in a systematic way of enhancing your wellness business, make plans to attend Galaxy of Stars! Hope to see you there.
