
Archive for January 2012

I have never entered a new year with more excitement and anticipation of the possibilities for what can happen at Trivita than 2012.  Our vision has expanded, our resources have expanded, our ideas are exploding in how to move our mission forward in helping people experience greater wellness.  This is the year we open the Trivita Wellness Center. I am so incredibly thrilled about this and how it will further enhance our mission efforts.

I am also thrilled with the new celebrity endorsements of people who have had positive experiences with Nopalea and desire to lend their support and brand to Trivita for our wellness mission.  This is the year for you to give every effort possible to the opportunity to build your wellness business.   The taste and see campaign (as I call it) to be  introduced at our Hawaii leadership event will be the most exciting campaign ever in our history.  I am biting my tongue not to tell you about it.

It may sound crazy for your CEO to be so fired up about the possibilities but something happened in the last six months.  We are no longer the start-up company, the purpose of founding Trivita while important to the foundation, is not the story.   It is actually doing the purpose with the recognition of the possibilities is the story, and the momentum for it has never been as intense as it is today at Trivita.  This is the year to release your belief and actions…abandon yourself to the opportunity.  Leave your doubts and inhibitions behind.

The other day I was walking down a sidewalk in Durango, Colorado about thirty miles from our ranch and over the sidewalk was an American flag hanging about 7 feet above.  Walking in front of me was a young man in his mid- twenties who all of sudden jumped up and with one hand pulled the flag to his lips and kissed the flag.  When he landed he raised his arms in a victory sign and then walked on down the street as if nothing had just happened.   I wish I would have ran up to him and asked him what prompted this inspired moment.  But something did happen with that event… perhaps it was just for me but  my own emotional response took over with a yeah-yeah- yeah response.  I was filled with pride that that flag flew for freedom.  Freedom to pursue our dreams.  Freedom of speech to share with others our values and opinions about anything.  Freedom to worship the way we desire to worship.  Free to share our message of wellness. Freedom to pursue the wealth we need to fulfill  our life purpose!!  One of the greatest gifts you have been given is the freedom to pursue your dreams.  Don’t let anyone take that from you including those in government!  Something happened inside me in those few moments where I   just knew that 2012 is going to be an awesome year for those who dare to dream big audacious dreams for their lives because we have the freedom to do so.

Two days later on New Year’s eve the sun had already set and I had taken a drive out to view the elk and deer on the ranch.  I had walked into a grassy area to catch a glimpse of a herd in the area but they were not there.  It was bitterly cold so getting back to the warm truck was my intention but when I returned to the truck which was parked at the top of a ridge I had the most incredible view and experience.  The background was the snowcapped majestic LA Plata mountains rising 12,000 feet with almost a pink glow now from the last rays of the sunset, the half-moon was overhead and the stars were starting to pop out shimmering against the darkening sky without any city lights to lessen their glow.  It was almost surreal quiet, no headlights on the country roads which I could see for miles from the knoll  as most people even in the country were preparing for the New Year’s eve celebrations.  And then it happened, my own surprising emotional response to the end of 2011….I raised my arms and begin to dance around in a circle in the snow.  I raised my voice as loud as I could in gratitude for all the blessings life had brought and praise to my Creator for giving me such a blessed life.  When I realized what I was doing I was rather embarrassed but then it was such an inspired moment and I realized no one was watching,  I just let it all go.  It was a moment in my life I will never forget.  Overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings I enjoy and the freedom to pursue the opportunities of taking wellness to the world.  I know this was to be blog not a book.

These two inspired events in the last couple days have truly impacted my life in two ways.  One, the realization of the freedom I have to pursue the dream of taking the wellness mission to the world.  Nothing to hold me back, the freedom to totally abandon myself to the opportunity.  The second, was the gratitude I feel for the life I have with freedom, health and opportunity.


May you have the greatest most inspired New Year ever and may the freedom to pursue your dreams also fill your life with gratitude for such opportunities life has brought to you.