
Archive for November 2011

You know I have written and spoken much about the power of purpose.  I believe one of the most powerful things a person can do is find purpose and meaning in their lives.  AND, it is happening everywhere.  People want more than just material things in their lives or even more than just a job.  They want meaning and purpose.

Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions.  The one thing they have in common is that they are the 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. This is not just an American movement; it is moving globally.   It is people who have found a purpose bigger than just  themselves.  The Tea Party movement is perhaps more organized but has the same inner longings.  We must not be fooled by labels and titles but instead recognize people’s inner longing and desire to find meaning and purpose.

This deep inner longing is present in both the younger and older generations. It is also why the mission and vision of TriVita is so much a focus of our lives and messaging.  If you follow much of what comes out of Madison Avenue you would think we all desire money with sun, sand and sex. But I think the world is moving far more towards the inner satisfaction of connecting to purpose, with the well-being of the Earth and those who live here being in balance.  We see the results of corruption when power and greed are the driving force.  I would like to encourage each of you to embrace and explore the inner longings of your life for purpose and meaning.  Be intentional, be passionate about living it!!  It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I received a couple of emails from Martha Bigelow who has found purpose and meaning at 90 years of age. I think you will find her wit and wisdom to be very inspirational.   In her first email, she writes, “I was particularly pleased at your acknowledgement of me in the article on purpose.  It is an issue that I have wrestled with for many years of my life.  Not until my 60s did I finally come to see that we all truly share one purpose: love God and serve our fellow man.  Although I was slow to discover it, I was also fortunate to recognize that when I looked back at my two previous careers – first college professor, and second as Historical Administrator for the State of Michigan – they were careers of service.  In my third career as a network marketer, I was embarrassed to admit it at first – not until I joined TriVita with its 10 Essentials did I become proud of it.”  (She found the purpose in helping others with our mission.) In
another email, Martha wrote, “I have been doing a lot of thinking these past few weeks and at 90, people look at me like I am crazy when I say I am planning my priorities and goals for the next 10 years.”

That is what the power of purpose does in our lives with TriVita.  It causes us to rise above what may appear as our present reality and gives us hope for a much brighter future in serving our fellow man with valued services and products that will help them experience a greater quality of life.  Many of you have found this.  You have written me of your life transformation.  I met John Windscheffle and his wife, Nancy, at a local function here in Scottsdale.  They shared with me how their lives were full of such significance and well-being now that they embraced the purpose of TriVita’s mission.  Carol Eramo wrote me, “There is nothing else I could be doing that would bring us more satisfaction and comfort than growing our wellness business.”  Wil Allyn wrote, “When we take this to the third-world countries and they grasp the concept of the law of reciprocity, and they begin talking to people about helping themselves by helping others… our efforts will have changed the world.” This is the language of people who have connected to the power of purpose!

Talk purpose, share purpose, get groups of people together and discuss purpose.  It is an inner urge today in many people seeking more than what appears obvious. They want more than just a job to pay the bills and for buying material things that do not satisfy the inner being. This is a rising tide of purpose that has energy, momentum and potential!!!! If we can raise up thousands of people who are passionate about wellness and offering valued services and products, we can make a huge difference in our world.  We (humanity) must change the way we think about health.  It is not treatment but holistic and balanced living that creates a greater state of health and well-being.

Pursue purpose with intention and passion.  You have much to offer…learn to present it so it is valued by others!
