
Archive for May 2011

As we were leaving Sydney which has some of the most beautiful spots on earth, I realized that the Law of Expression had again manifested itself.  It brings about a remarkable opening of the Australian office with TGA approval of both the Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea.  While North Americans may not understand the significance of it, the Australians certainly do.  With many doubting it would ever happen, it did happen, and now many other remarkable things are beginning to unfold here.

As we landed in Adelaide, which was our first time, we knew we were pioneering new territory.  We received a welcoming telephone call by Derek Speake.  He and his wife Jan are two outstanding people with a passion for our wellness mission.  Watch their organization grow as they will be on the platform someday sooner than later sharing their story.  It is also a Facebook connection story!!  Am I ever excited about our Facebook initiative supporting worldwide connections!  You will be hearing much more about that in coming weeks.  Then, another incredible thing happened… we had the opportunity of meeting for the first time Marc Aubin and Josee Provencher shown here in the picture with Todd.  They flew from Quebec, Canada with the intention of going to every tour stop with TriVita in Australia.  Such an amazing story here… as they had no business contacts just a passion for the mission.  They have been spreading the word everywhere, going to nearly every health food store in Perth passing out brochures about the event.   As we all know, reciprocity seeks to reward the giver.  They now are building in Australia!!  You might want to know they retired from business at age 40!!  They are just doing this because they love the mission of helping people experience wellness!

Perth, as you see Susan and me with the group, was the astonishing surprise.  We had nearly double the attendance of what was registered for the event.  Fortunately the room was large enough for additional chairs to be brought in for some outstanding people we had the privilege of meeting.   Before the event began, we had the opportunity of meeting a family, Paul, Mary and their daughter Sarah Mandelt who will be great leaders in Perth and other parts of the world.  Perth is a stunningly beautiful city that has become a treasure for many people from all over the globe.  I am so excited about building TriVita in Perth.  In fact I could live here!!

It was also so fulfilling to have people come up to us here in Perth and mention they were contacted by people in both the US and Canada.  Technology is opening up the world to us.  Tula Savisky living in a small area in the middle of British Columbia continues to build worldwide using the web.  Tula’s story is one of my favorite to tell as her first goal as an affiliate was to buy a new canoe.  She is a remarkable woman with passion for the mission and now incredibly successful in her own wellness business!

Not everything is mission based but it is about wellness.  Susan and I had some down time and she has always wanted to see kangaroos so we set out to find them.  People here told us it was not likely to happen without going a long ways into the interior so we went to a wildlife park to see some 2000 indigenous species of Australia.  You can tell she is certainly attractive not only to me but Kangaroos.  And to our surprise, we saw about 50 of them in the wild on the way back to the city.  Pursuing your dreams, even if the outcome is not likely by most people brings about remarkable events!!  Like TGA listings, seeing Kangaroos in the wild and in the future… 100 countries in 10 years!!

We are off to Melbourne today.


Here we are with some of the great people in Australia that came to celebrate the official announcement and opening of the TriVita office  in Australia. Peter cDonald, and Rod and June Glover are experienced leaders in Australia who flew in to celebrate the occasion, also demonstrating their  belief in the mission of TriVita.

It was exciting having the Edelman Public Relations firm there directing photo shots, as the story of our opening is now going into major
publications throughout Australia.  Plus, they presented us with an outstanding list of personalities to help endorse and spread the message of
wellness!  More on that in future blogs.

The offices are beautiful and in a fabulous location.  Todd Rimmer did a great job overseeing the location choice and build out.
The new staff in the Australian office are excited and engaged in our mission.  Todd Rimmer, our National Sales Director, Peter Gillespie,
manager of the Care Center,  Sue Donaldson, and Leticia Drumha are now taking calls and helping people understand the wellness benefits from our
products.  This is the beginning of something very powerful happening and will have major tentacles into many other parts of the world.

We have concluded our presentation and training events in Sydney and are now here in Adelaide.  We are hearing the same astonishing
testimonials here in Australia as all over North America.  Jan Speake is someone who had such a remarkable wellness experience that she flew from
Adelaide to be with us in Sydney, as well as coming to the celebration event at the new offices.  Jan and her husband Derek are passionate about
helping people experience the wonderful benefits of Nopalea.  Trevor Averay  is another outstanding Affiliate that joined us in Sydney for
these events even though we were coming to Adelaide (their home town) as the next stop.

When experience, belief and passion connect in a person’s life, I believe it opens the door for incredible possibilities.  While
Australia will always be known as the land “down under,” we are seeing new leaders on their way, rising to the top!

You can Google or Facebook these cities to see the wonderful beauty as we go city to city.  I will update you by the end of the


If everyone would take the responsibility of leading by example, while serving and mentoring others, our world would certainly be a much different and better place.  Another way of saying it: “Live the way you desire the world to be!” 

The vision of seeing leaders lead has never been brighter since we went to Hawaii for our TriVita leadership retreat.  It was in Hawaii that we dealt with the subject of leading by example, serving and mentoring others. 

I am thrilled to see field leaders take hold of this, as we need leaders who will take the responsibility to lead.  I want to salute you leaders who have purposely made an all-out effort to lead this past month.  Here are some examples of the leadership happening throughout TriVita: 

  • Barry Borthistle launched Monday night leadership webinars on the essential principles of leadership.   Barry has taken complete responsibility for the company-approved content, delivery development and costs. It is FREE to the attendee. 
  • John Windscheffel was on a conference call helping a group outside his organization understand how to be more effective in leading others to greater wellness.  He described in detail his own way of living by example and was there to serve and mentor others out of that experience. 
  • Bryan and Tammi Wirth left for Australia on Easter evening to spend time in advance of TriVita’s launch to lead their future leaders there.  Leading first by example and serving and mentoring their organization. 
  • Tony Kent is also spending several weeks in Australia both recruiting and mentoring for his new organization “down under.” 

Both Bryan and Tammi, and Tony Kent have taken the full responsibility and cost for this effort.  This is leadership by example!  

My wife, Susan and I, along with corporate leaders Terry Newsome and Ted Hernandez, will be heading to Australia ourselves for a five-city tour in May.  We are looking forward to the launch of TriVita there.

 It is so exciting for me to watch leaders step into this leadership arena as we face the future of going global to 100 countries in 10 years. In TriVita, our leaders know the first step is to embrace wellness for their lives.   Our mission is that people may experience wellness, and if we are going to lead a wellness mission and vision then we must first embrace wellness!!

 This vision has escalated every day: The incredible possibilities of 100 countries in 10 years is attracting outstanding people who want to be a part of this vision and help others experience wellness and create wealth for their life purposes.   

You may be reading this and thinking, “I am not sure I can be a great leader.”  I received an email from an Affiliate who was concerned that they might not be able to be a truly top leader in TriVita.  Please don’t let that thought have even a 30-second lifespan in your brain.  

This reminds me of the grandkids who we had at our home for the Easter weekend.  Knowing about the birth and resurrection stories of Jesus also led to stories of His leadership with the disciples.  Our 6-year-old Miss Emma and 8-year-old, most properly named Chase (no end to his energy) were fascinated with the story in the Bible where Jesus walked on the water.   With the pool heated at our home, they spent about 30 minutes trying to walk on water as Jesus had done, but to no avail.  Chase with his curious mind simply refused to believe he could not walk on water.  Now we are not expecting our leaders to walk on water (do the improbable, not impossible!) so don’t spend time trying to do that;  just be authentic to yourself in leading by example, serving others the best you can and mentoring others in what you know.  That can really happen with anyone.  Now, we won’t refuse the leaders who are like Chase and desire and believe they can do the improbable!! 

Looking at it from a totally different perspective, let me close out my blog on leadership with this wonderful wit from Wil Howe.  Wil is a true western cowboy.  I have been looking for a cow horse for cutting and driving cattle at the ranch.  I found his wisdom about leadership with horses to be very inspiring and insightful. 

Here are Wil’s words of wisdom:  Horses think about food first, each other second and you… third.  Want to be first in a horse’s life?  You have to earn it!!  Only through consistent, fair leadership will you acquire the trust and respect needed to be that number one.  A good leader is worth following.  Be that good leader for your horse and he’ll be a happier creature for it.  Take the responsibility of being in charge.  It’s up to you! 

Good leaders that are worth following are fair, consistent, trustworthy, lead by example, serve others willingly and mentor others from their own experiences. 

I commend you for the steps you are taking in your life to become a better leader. 


P.S. It all starts with a desire to be a leader and do the things most people may not want to do.