
Archive for April 2011

Susan and I sat down to Lunch with Terry and Gillian Johnston and their daughter, Valerie.  The conversation began immediately with Gillian sharing with us some exciting new developments in her business, both with new customers who were experiencing fantastic results from Nopalea as well as with some new business prospects.  I knew from the moment she began to share – with enthusiastic interjections from both Valerie and Terry – that this was going to be a great luncheon treat for Susan and I.  In fact, this was the annual special luncheon they invite us to before their return to British Columbia. 

Terry began sharing how his retirement as a professional from the food service industry had been totally disrupted because of the mission of TriVita.  He even tried to blame it on me but I know Terry loves people and knows how much the products help people and he really just can’t help himself.  I was thrilled as he shared a testimonial of his follow-up with a customer: When Terry called and asked if the customer had received the product, the customer said yes. When Terry asked if he had tried it yet, the answer was no.  It was a two-word conversation with the customer and then they hung up.  Terry called back the next week and the answer was no, I have not tried it but intend to. End of conversation.  Then Terry called back again and asked if he had pulled it out of the refrigerator yet and if not he needed to do it.   The answer was yes, and I have gulped a few slugs.  End of conversation.  Terry called back again and asked if he had gulped some more slugs (using the customer’s vernacular) and that he would need to get the 4-pack special before the end of special pricing.  Well, that now has developed into not only phone conversations but also emails and yes, the customer is extremely happy with Nopalea and his new wellness partner Terry!  Oh, for about 5000 ITBOs like Terry – we would set the world on a new course for wellness!! 

Next the conversation went to international expansion, as they have contacts in many parts of the world that they want to bring into TriVita when the company is registered in those respective countries.  Wow, what an incredible joy to me just to sit and share the joy of mission-focused conversation.  Terry and I could have talked golf which we did a little as he shared with me his joy of being selected as an official at the Open in Britain this year. I agree that is very special. But we spent nearly the whole time just talking about the joy of helping people experience greater wellness and wealth. 

When we are internally driven we act differently than when we are externally driven.  When the wellness mission, driven from internal values, becomes the focus, then the joy of what money cannot buy becomes much more significant in the reward.   

Mike Riedmiller took the mission, vision, values and goals to heart when he left Hawaii.  His emails to us here at corporate share the wonderful stories of people experiencing fabulous benefits from Nopalea.  In one Saturday, his follow-up calls alone helped people purchase 28 bottles of Nopalea. Can you imagine what would happen if all our ITBOs caught this vision like Mike and had the tenacity of Terry.  This is so fulfilling to me, as both these men were very competent professionals in their business lives before TriVita, and here they are calling on customers and helping people experience wellness.  That was the vision when we started TriVita and it is still the vision – and it is happening!! 

You will be hearing much in the near future about our global expansion as we are going to start registering Nopalea in all 100 countries so you can send it to your friends and family in those countries.  Every day I hear about someone asking if we can ship product into a specific country.   Get this, on April 12, Glen Anderson with 20+ years in the industry will start with TriVita.  He will be working from the corporate side along with Ambassador Greg Newel in registering products and business registrations for our 100 countries.  You will be hearing much more about this massive expansion effort. 

All you Facebook users be watching the news from TriVita in coming weeks.  We have some exciting news about how we are greatly enhancing the social media possibilities for your business while remaining authentic and true to the values of social media.  Yes, this will go worldwide and be a part of our global strategy. 

I did not post this April 1, as I did not want anyone to think this might be an April Fool’s Day message. The global expansion is in full action mode at TriVita. 

Oh, I just saw the script for the CTA for the co-op advertising for ITBOs.  The vision and possibilities are endless for this co-op expansion, including Canada and Australia. More on that in coming weeks… 

In real estate it is location, location ,location.  In this industry, it is timing, timing, timing for optimal growth potential.  It is our time. 
