
Archive for February 2011

Last night as I returned home from another awe-inspiring Sonora, Mexico trip, I couldn’t wait to write my blog today and share the incredibly surreal experience I had a few days ago. There I was looking out over the magnificent Sonora Mexican Desert, which provided a backdrop of rugged rock and cactus-filled mountains with the most gorgeous sunrises and sunsets that exist on earth. While contemplating the future, I also spent some time reflecting on the past. My thoughts took me back to that one particular evening a few years ago sitting around the campfire with the Sonoran natives as they shared how their ancient people had benefitted from the plants of the Sonora Desert. I’ll never forget the night I was offered some leaf tea and a fire-charred cactus stem by one of the natives and being told, “Señor, take this – it is good for you.” That experience will forever be etched deep within my memories, and is a clear demonstration of the Law of Awareness: Somewhere around you is someone or something to help you fulfill your life purposes.  

Where would the discovery of Nopalea take us? Already we had seen amazing health benefits for so many people in the U.S. and Canada. When we toured Australia back in December, there were tears of joy as people shared with us some of their experiences.  There was the mom who came up to me with tears streaming down her face sharing how Nopalea was helping her son have less pain who, after experiencing a horrific childhood accident, was now a quadriplegic. She shared how after years of hearing him moan and groan each night in pain, he was now able to sleep through the night. Just knowing he was doing so much better, she too could now sleep through the night. This story ripped at my heart as I saw the love of a mother who for years had dedicated her life to caring for her son. 

This was truly our mission being fulfilled…people experiencing greater wellness and sharing that experience with others. Wellness is such an important part of our lives. Oh that people would only realize that there is so much they could do to experience greater wellness. How could I be more effective? How could TriVita be more effective? How could we lead a more passionate group of Affiliates to share wellness with their world? 

These thoughts were like cascading waterfalls overwhelming me as I sat there in the desert away from the city life and the intensity I normally live. As these thoughts raced through my mind my cell phone rings. There happened to be cell coverage, and on the phone was one of the most excited Affiliates of TriVita I have ever spoken with. Not knowing where I was at or the experience of emotions and thoughts I was in the midst of, he began sharing his own experience with the Law of Awareness. He shared how he had been thinking about TriVita going into Asia and how he might connect locally with the Chinese community. That awareness led him and his wife to be invited to a Chinese New Year celebration. Thinking it would be interesting, they went only to discover they had been invited to set at the VIP table with delegates from the embassy, as well as local public officials. He had put an ad in their promotional paper for the event, along with 29 other advertisers and unbeknownst to him, he was selected out of all the advertisers to share about his business…yes, you guessed it… the wellness mission of TriVita and the upcoming opening in Hong Kong, Taiwan and in the future, China. I wasn’t able to even say “awesome” or “incredible” as Barry Borthistle was the most excited I think I have ever heard him be. For those of you who know Barry, that’s saying a lot! He said, “Michael, my theme will be to build locally and grow globally.” Yes, all around us are the “someones” and the “somethings” to help us fulfill our life purposes and our potential. I know Barry and Ruth have much to share about the events that transpired from that special experience. 

Where will it take us? Who will be the “someone” who will help me or the “someone” to help you fulfill your wellness mission? I know Greg Newell not only has been to Hong Kong and Taiwan recently, but is now engaged in meeting with officials in Malaysia, Singapore and Seoul, South Korea. In fact he was heading for France the last time he spoke with us to introduce TriVita there. 

 I can’t wait for our upcoming Directors Forum in Hawaii in a couple of weeks where we will have 300 of our Affiliate and corporate leaders. The vision casting will be more intense, more real and more focused as each one begins to draft their personal vision for taking wellness to their world. Knowing I wanted to write today’s blog about my Mexico experience, last night I even dreamed I was searching for the best hotel to make a presentation and what would be my message to the attendees. I settled on taking wellness to the world! 

As I’ve posed the question to audiences in the past: Are you living your dreams or your memories? I suppose in this case it is both! 
