
Archive for December 2010

Susan and I arrived at 6:05 a.m. in Sydney with great anticipation for the meet and greets with our new Australian Affiliates.  This was a very important part of our pre-launch activity in Australia. Our hope and excitement were high! 

The day of our first meeting in Sydney greeted us with dark stormy clouds dropping buckets of rain….in the afternoon I stood at the window of our hotel watching the snarling traffic come to nearly a dead stop because of the rain.  My heart skipped a beat or two throughout the day as there seemed no letup.  What would this do to our turnout?   I knew people had to drive a considerable distance to get there.  Ten minutes before the event started, Todd called me and suggested that Susan and I not come down to the dinner meeting until later, as few people had arrived.  How heart-wrenching that call was.  But as the dinner progressed, they kept filing in until the room was jam-packed. They had braved the storm and snarling traffic for this opportunity. We served more dinners than we had reservations!  

The attendees were fully engaged when I spoke; they are greatly anticipating our launch announcements and they wanted to know about the products…oh, how we wished we could have told them all the benefits but we still have not received our TGA listing registrations so that was not possible. They shared their stories of how people were having wellness experiences from Nopalea. 

 When we finished the group picture it was about 10:30 p.m. and we thought they would go home.  But instead, it was an unleashing of excited Affiliates doing book signings and individual pictures for the next hour.  At 11:30 p.m., Susan and I left for our room but they stayed until after midnight with Todd.  Well, that intensity was also present in Melbourne and Brisbane, where we met excited new Affiliates and new leadership. Pictured here is the Brisbane group.  We heard so many wonderful reports and met many great people who want to be with a company like TriVita, whose mission is to help people experience wellness and create wealth for their life purposes.  They expressed their appreciation with gifts and well-wishes.  Some months ago I wrote about the rumble “down under.”  Well, it is for real – and is turning into a roar! 

One gentleman that Terry Newsome recommended I meet with privately wanted to know how TriVita was different than other companies. I opened a bottle of Nopalea and offered him a toast to his life purpose fulfillment.  When he tasted the product, he had this explosive remark with an ear-to-ear smile: “That is incredibly delicious.  I can’t believe it can be that good!”   I shared with him our mission and vision and encouraged him to do his due diligence while not making any hasty decisions about TriVita, as he already is successful in another business.  The next day he met with Todd, advising him that he was putting his business up for sale and coming to TriVita immediately; this was the company he had always been looking for.  I heard that expression more than once – and in every city we visited. 

Due to our 12 days in Australia, Susan is late doing her Christmas shopping and preparations for her favorite season, but she loved every minute being in Australia and meeting the excited Affiliates.  She had a twinkle in her eye this morning as we know TriVita Australia is going to enjoy great success.   We met many new friends and leaders to help us with our mission. 

What a wonderful wellness journey we are on – and inviting others to go with us!!! 

May each of you be filled with joy and peace this holiday season. 


The Dash to Director Program has been so successful; it has gone far beyond our expectations. By the way, if you plan on going to Hawaii as a Director, there are still open slots, but there is a fire marshal in Hawaii that will close the door to the event when the ballroom is full!! I think this event is going to be the most exciting and fun-filled event we have ever hosted.  The content in the morning sessions will be powerful and the afternoons will be sun, sand and surf and anything you can think of.  There will be a Luau on Friday night and a Saturday dinner ending on the beach with a bonfire session as we cut the curtain to our global expansion starting in Australia and New Zealand. 

When we did our stop in Hawaii for the Sonoran Bloom tour last year, I will never forget that special night and the Luau.  We gathered under a beautiful, bright moon, and gentle tropical breezes caused the palm trees to sway almost in harmony with the grass-skirted hula dancers on stage.  The fire danced from the torches of the dancing warriors as they told the story of the people of the islands.  It was an incredible event and the memories and fellowship will last a lifetime.  But we believe this upcoming event will be the greatest team-building event ever as it melds us together to take wellness to the world.  It is happening even now!! 

I have to mention, isn’t the new website awesome!  Our marketing and IT teams worked so incredibly hard to bring forward this new amazing tool which will only get better as we enhance the content in the Wellness Center.  We are serious about our mission and believe as you join with us in this great life-purpose mission that there is also a reciprocal reward for those who serve mankind with products and services of value. 

Many Affiliates responded immediately with praise for our team, recognizing their achievement.  Thank you for edifying them as it means so much when they hear from you.  Yes, your responses also matter at corporate!!  Here is what one Affiliate said: 

“TriVita has outdone itself, I love my new TriVita website!!!! It is so easy to use, it has so much information and it is so organized. The product videos are the bomb and it is now going to be so easy to share and share and share and then share again…all that I can say is WOW  WOW  WOW, I am speechless. The team at TriVita deserves a standing ovation and the highest of praise!  This is what most companies dream of and never deliver. Michael Ellison must be so proud of his team of professionals who have accomplished what to most is the un-accomplishable. I do not say this lightly as in my years in high tech I have never seen this type of result with this type of performance and continuity. 

Most people will not be able to appreciate the difficulty in putting such a masterpiece together. It is one-of-a-kind and needs to be put on display. It is truly a technical breakthrough, in multimedia design and presentation. Congratulations. A job well done and the entire TriVita technical and marketing teams should be extremely proud of this remarkable accomplishment.” 

Check back in two weeks for my mid-month blog when Susan and I return from Australia.  We are going down under for a meet and greet with our new Affiliates and to cast the vision of wellness with them for Australia and the Pan-Asia world.  We are also looking forward to our first Christmas season in the summertime!!  
