
Archive for September 2010

As the helicopter lifted off, I stood there in awe of this new world where I would spend the next 10 days with my guide.  I was just a couple hundred miles from the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories.  I had been in this region before some five years ago but nothing like this.  I had been dreaming of this trip for a year as another one of the wilderness adventures that would contribute to my health and well-being.  But this was like landing on the moon as there were rock crevices, slides and boulders of every shape and size.  The only reason I knew there was life in this barren wilderness was because there was a beautiful lake at the valley floor. 

As I looked at the challenge of the mountains I would trek, my self-voice immediately began to talk.  You are 64 years of age, a suit and tie guy that spends most of your time in meetings.  You didn’t train for this kind of physically demanding challenge.  What if you can’t do it for 10 days?  What if you fall and twist a knee?  I found it intriguing that for some reason my excitement and anticipation for this excursion turned negative so fast.  Where was this self-voice coming from? 

For two days I boulder-hopped and crawled up ledges and over shale slides.  It seemed like each mountain had its own rock personality: what it would give and what it would take away.  At one point on the second day, we got to the top of a mountain only to find that with each step we took across the shale, a piece of the mountain moved under our feet as far as 10 feet away. From our mountain-climbing experience, we knew that was a danger signal for a potential rock avalanche. Returning back that night to our tent site, it began to rain and rain it did for 36 hours with wind and fog that kept me inside the entire time. 

For some reason the time gave me the opportunity to reflect on that self-voice I heard the first day….what was that voice?  Why did it question my ability?   I had trained and in my first two days did amazingly well navigating God’s rock garden!!  What was the difference between that self-voice and the logical response both my guide and I processed when the mountainside was moving?  The reasoning of knowledge and experience about a sliding mountain was different than my self-voice doubting my ability. 

Where did these self-imposed limitations come from? They were the last thoughts I should have had when that chopper lifted, leaving me in the wilderness to experience another adventure.  As I lay there reflecting on this self-talk experience, I concluded it was because I had never really experienced this kind of terrain in such a massive environment – one that would require my total focus in order to avoid injury. 

Self-talk…have you ever heard an inner voice talking to you about your limitations?  Self-talk that questioned why you would think you could succeed at something you were attempting to do?  Since I am writing to TriVita Affiliates, perhaps you have heard a self-voice questioning why you think you can build a large organization and succeed in your wellness business?  Does your self-voice question you when you have gone on a weight loss program? Question why you think you will ever be able to keep the weight off? 

What does your self-voice say to you when you are inspired to break out of life’s ruts and begin to establish new goals and connect to your true life purposes?  Does it ask you, “Do you really think you can do this?”  Does it question why you think you are deserving of a life of success, happiness and fulfillment? 

Why does self-talk generally question our ability and worthiness?  Is this self-talk coming from an inner belief we have about ourselves?  What external influences affected our inner beliefs to such a degree that we would doubt our intentions and efforts to connect to our true life purposes and potential? 

What behavioral patterns do we indulge in to mask the pain we feel about ourselves?  Do we binge with food, alcohol or drugs?  

As I came to the end of my 10-day adventure,  I realized I had demonstrated to myself my ability to meet the challenge of fording roaring valley streams and climbing the highest peaks. And I realized that my self-voice had changed.  It was one of accomplishment and pride and if I may say so, of my ability at 64 years of age to carry a pack that sometimes weighed nearly half my body weight. I had done it.  

I realized my self-talk was not accurate that first day when the chopper lifted and I stood there in awe…it underestimated my training and desire to accept this challenge.  I discovered a valued lesson and truth: My self-voice is not always right or accurate. In fact, I made a commitment that if my self-voice creates self-imposed limitations by the words it speaks to me,  I will always challenge it as not serving me to optimize my life purposes and goals. 

As I speak of TriVita launching its global expansion of 100 countries in 10 years, though daunting,  I will not believe my self-voice telling me we will never accomplish it.  I choose to trust in a higher voice and vision that if I could think it, speak it and act according to that vision all the resources would be made available to manifest that vision.  Law of expression!! 

May I encourage you to challenge your self-voice and its beliefs about you!  If your self-voice speaks words of self-imposed limitations, do not trust those words but reach out for your life purpose potential.   It is there where you will find all the resources you need to live your life to the fullest.  

And yes, no matter what your self-voice says, you can build an awesome TriVita wellness business!!!
