
Archive for July 2010

As I came jogging back down a very steep, old logging mountain road, about a mile and a half from the cabin, I saw my 83-year-old father coming up the road with a smile on his face – knowing he was doing something he could not have done a year ago.  I said, “Dad, are you sure you are ok going up this mountain?” Again he smiled, saying he was doing great and wanting to know how far it was to the top! 

Wellness is such a wonderful and beautiful thing.  My definition of wellness is having the energy and vitality to do the things you love to do.  To have positive daily emotions such as love and gratitude and being connected to God and His purposes for your life.  When you have wellness it offers so many opportunities: from engaging in activities such as our (me, Susan, Marcus, Luke and my father Richard) trip to British Columbia, to helping others experience greater wellness, which happens every day in TriVita. 

Wellness is more than a gift; it is a journey of embracing the practice of the disciplines we teach in the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. 

Wow, living with wellness allows for – and brings to us – the greatest experiences of life!  Not only was my father able to hike up the mountain but he also was running his own boat, changing and casting his flies in hopes of hooking a trophy fish, and catching the big (20 inch plus) Kamloops trout and landing them without any assistance from anyone. The two-way radios blasted the excitement of “just landed” or “fish on” throughout each day as we fished hard for twelve hours a day!  

That was an adventure we will always remember, especially since we celebrated my father’s 83rd birthday and then celebrated Father’s Day on the last day of the trip. When we arrived home – feeling the exuberance from such a fabulous trip – I was greeted with an email from Ray Cox, one of our most enthusiastic Affiliates who is fully dedicated to the mission of TriVita.  His words reminded me again of the beauty and blessing of wellness and the pure joy of sharing it with others.  It was another fabulous Father’s Day gift. 

Ray writes, “Thank you for taking the time to cast your vision through my eyes into my soul. Thank you for never giving up no matter the doubts on what God placed in your heart. Thank you for being the kind of family man that makes me proud to be around and aspire to.  Thank you for creating a product that has given me my wife back full of hope, ability, energy and health. Thank you for creating a company that allowed me to leave my job in 12 months and build something of significance that fulfills my destiny. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to build others up by focusing out rather than hoarding in. Thank you for breaking down the barriers so that anyone with passion and vision can get on the plane to Australia in February to help share this door-opener to the world. I will, as my personal motto states, ‘Be a real man inspiring others to believe in themselves.’ In the last year our neurologist has gone from disbelief in the improvement of my wife, Gloria, to now suggesting we only monitor her.  I also hear calls every day from other people who could not function without their Nopalea!!” 

Isn’t wellness a beautiful thing?!  Isn’t the feeling of being a part of a mission of helping people find greater wellness such a beautiful expression of one’s life purposes?! 

When I made my speech at the opening ceremony of TriVita’s launch 11 years ago, I said that TriVita may not be the biggest or grow the fastest, but it will be different!  It truly is different!  It is more than an opportunity to enhance lifestyle; it is an opportunity to fulfill your God-given life purposes! 

I applaud Ray Cox for his commitment and service but there are many TriVita Affiliates who could sign their names to this email message as being their own belief and passion for wellness and the desire to help others. 

I write in my book Ten Keys to Wellness and Wealth, “DESIRE is the starting point of all achievement. Desire gives you the focus you need to overcome life’s distractions and failures. What you BELIEVE and the degree to which you hold your beliefs will allow you to endure and succeed.” Desire and belief are the two greatest qualifiers to success.  Anybody can achieve success in TriVita if they truly desire and believe in the journey of wellness and want to help others on the way. 

I am extremely grateful for each of you who have caught this vision and have given your life talent and time to its advancement. 
