
Archive for March 2010

We sat there mesmerized by the story of the journey of the ancient island people as they established their kingdoms throughout the Pacific islands.  With production lights changing the moods, costumes being changed to depict the various kingdoms, fire sticks twirling around bronzed-colored bodies and piercing eyes with warrior-like intensity behind twirling, flashing swords, the Hawaiian performers proudly communicated a passionate story about their heritage. 

We were ending our fabulous day in Paradise (Hawaii) at a luau called the Gathering of the Kings.  The bodies shimmered along with the palm trees all around us, and a beautiful moon overhead shone down on us to let us know this was a truly a night of celebration. The Hawaiian performers were celebrating their heritage, while those of us from TriVita that were gathered there were celebrating the wonderful day we’d had introducing TriVita and the Sonoran Bloom product Nopalea to many new people in Hawaii. 

We all felt a special connection, like we were on the edge of something big happening in TriVita.  Like this was not just pushing west into the islands, but rather, represented our destiny of taking Nopalea to the world.  The ancient Polynesian people had to take long sea journeys looking for clouds which might indicate a mountain or land mass.  Would they have enough endurance, rations and seafaring skills to get to a newly discovered island in their outrigger type canoes?  It just seemed the story we were watching reflected another story: TriVita, as we envisioned expanding to people of different cultures and countries who would embrace the wellness message of TriVita and the fabulous products we have to share. 

As I sat there reflecting upon this fabulous day in Paradise we had just experienced, I knew only a year ago, Susan and I had come to Kona, Hawaii and met one person , Melo Clarke, a food server at a seaside café.  We spoke to her about wellness and she told her story of her family that had been devastated by disease.  We invited her to go on a wellness journey with us and now here we were one year later with hundreds of new friends in Hawaii.  They had come from several islands to the seminar and we could watch the belief rise in their hearts from the beginning of the wellness seminar until they were exuberant and passionately sharing their desire of taking Nopalea throughout the islands.  Questions changed to statements of excitement about the possibilities! 

Randy, a local Hawaiian, shared with us his experience with Nopalea.  He had decided to try it with his mother who suffered with severe joint and muscle pain.  They were skeptical about the wellness benefits but Randy took the free bottle Melo had given him and each day would pour three ounces and give it to his mother. In the third week, Randy heard his mother whistling tunes upstairs in the house; he knew her life was being changed.  No longer was she in the grasp of pain and discomfort.  Randy said his father went on the product as well, seeing the astonishing effects with his wife.  Then his uncle who suffers from gout and swelling in the ankles went on the product to find great relief.  Randy is an Affiliate who believes in Nopalea and is sharing his belief with others.  One couple shared with us that they are on three cases (4-pack) per month autoship as it has made such a difference in their lives! 

Nopalea is an amazing product and it works with people of any race or ethnicity.  It is not bound by cultural differences.  It only has to be taken at the proper amount each day to help the body do what it desires to do:  make a person well! 

But my day was not only about being here in Paradise presenting at the seminar; it was about receiving emails and phone messages from Affiliates all over North America letting me know how excited they are with the Share and Earn program, the Get 2 IT program and how grateful they were for the March Madness bundles of 5. One of our most passionate Affiliates is now up to $6,000 a week – just in the Share and Earn bonus.   Wow, what a day in paradise!  It was happening all over North America and I was simply enjoying a day in paradise.   Perhaps I could just stay here for a month and enjoy what our Affiliates do: the benefits of a residual business which keeps on going even if I take a break away from it and do nothing!  Now that would be a new experience for me. 

Let me share with you some of the statements from fired-up Affiliates.  Ted Lamb called and left me a message saying they had a great training meeting and one of the Affiliates went home and ran into the UPS driver delivering a 4-pack of Nopalea.  The driver asked, “What is this stuff, as I am delivering this all over Prescott, Arizona?  Is this something I should know about?”  I expect to see a new Affiliate that drives a UPS truck!!    

Tina Gonda, sent an email saying, “Michael, you can’t even imagine how much the media bundles have made a difference in our business.”  She said that since the Tucson leadership event at the end of February her business is exploding.  Lori Obey wrote me an email saying, “We are hot in Maine.”  While they have had a wonderful warm winter in Maine, she was not referring to the weather but the temperature of the fire that is burning in the hearts of Affiliates in Maine.  Like Terry Newsome says, they are on fire! They are having incredible results following up with the new media contacts. 

That is just a sampling of the messages I was left with as I experienced one day in Paradise as we shared Nopalea with the Hawaiian people. 

Randy and Melo Clarke worked hard to make this seminar a great success.  I am very grateful for their efforts. One woman, a registered nurse, was so excited about Nopalea and the Affiliate opportunity that she signed up as an Affiliate and bought all 45 bottles of extra product we had shipped for the seminar. I guess that kind of tells the story of a special day in the place where Susan and I have been coming for over 40 years to relax, rejuvenate and dream dreams of how we could advance our life purposes. 

We are coming back to Hawaii next February!! Would you like to come with us and experience wellness in Paradise?


The March Madness Fever (MMF) is spreading throughout TriVita. I have never seen more excitement in TriVita, both at corporate and throughout the Affiliates in the field. 

If you have not heard, (as the grapevine is a hotline right now from the leaders who attended the event), the Nopalea media bundle is no longer made up of three contacts but has gone to four contacts for the same price of $240. All four will have made a transaction to purchase up to five bottles, and at least one contact will be an Affiliate who wants to earn income, with many packs containing two or three Affiliates. Why do I know that? Because of the status reports we are getting from the new call center on the calls coming from the Nopalea infomercial. ‘Multiply your efforts and divide your costs’ is a driving formula in our business model, and we have been able to make that happen for you as of March 1. There was a time when people would have paid $240 for one Affiliate! 

March Madness Fever definitely showed up in the Presidential breakfast when the idea exploded out of this group, by asking what if we could go to five media contacts in a bundle for everyone who would place a bundle under an Affiliate on their first tier who had enrolled two Share and Earn qualified Affiliates. This would create a growth explosion in one month. So I asked the Presidential group if they were suggesting the company put five media contacts in a bundle, and each Affiliate would look on their first tier and if they saw they had an Affiliate who had enrolled two Share and Earn Affiliates, they could purchase a bundle for $240 and place it under that Get 2 it! qualified Affiliate. 

Well you know hallucinations go with fevers. This was a big request from the Presidential Directors, as we had just worked so hard to get the number to four contacts for $240. So here was my challenge back to this feverish Presidential group – You have one month, (the month of March), for this to happen, and Affiliates can only place on their second tier under a Get 2 it! qualified Affiliate. You, as Presidential leaders, can’t buy a large quantity at this ridiculous price and place where ever you want. The Directors can’t buy a large quantity and place where ever they want either. It has to be everyone participating and purchasing a bundle to place under their first tier Get 2 it! qualified Affiliate, and the bundle of five goes on their second tier. 

Ok, you have just the month of March to make this happen starting March 1st. The only excuse I can offer is we all have the MMF!!! The company will offer five Nopalea contacts to be placed under a Get 2 it! qualified Affiliate on the purchaser’s first tier. 

I think this MMF is contagious, as corporate had just presented the Career Path Accelerator Campaign Saturday afternoon at the leadership event to be effective March 1, 2010. Marcus Ellison and Terry Newsome want us to make an all out push for Directors.  Yes it is the Dash for Director Campaign from March 1 – September 30, and also to champion new Presidential Directors to fly with us for our Presidential invasion into Australia next February. We are taking all our Presidential Directors to build a new business line in Australia. More on that later… Talk about exciting times – TriVita’s Directors’ leadership is on fire with this great opportunity. 

Ok, why Dash for Director? Look at the fabulous benefits – from monthly leadership bonuses, earning 60% Share and Earn enroller bonuses, becoming a Certified Trainer, to special leadership events where you can accelerate your learning and earning opportunity. 

The Career Path Acceleration Campaign pays group bonus VitaPoints on media bundle purchases. One media bundle is worth 240 VitaPoints for career path advancement, and there is a matching 240 VitaPoints to the purchaser of the bundle, making 480 VitaPoints to the purchaser. 

Now for the next six months, not only do your have your product VitaPoints, which you earn commissions and rank advancement, but you will have an additional VitaPoint accelerator to advance your rank. Dash to Director has never been easier and more rewarding.  

I think the reason all of us have this March Madness Fever is because of the wellness results we hear people are experiencing with Nopalea. It has just pushed us to the limits…the stories are amazing, remarkable and just plain astonishing to us all. We have an incredible opportunity to bring a wellness experience to our world with Nopalea. 

I hope all of you get the March Madness Fever as it seems to create the unthinkable and improbable results!!!


The leadership event in Tucson had an amazing affect on everyone who attended. It was an awesome sight to see groups gathered around the fire pits late into the first night building relationships and projecting into the future the incredible and exciting possibilities of what is going to happen at TriVita. They gathered the next morning at the crack of dawn to take jeep tours into the Sonoran Desert and pay tribute to the land that has given us the Nopal cactus from where we get the juice for Nopalea. I heard that some even stopped to catch a Bull snake and had a snake handling exercise. 

The decisions and campaigns that came out of this leadership event can best be described as March Madness Fever (MMF), which must have attacked both corporate and Presidential leadership.   

I will post tomorrow the March Madness Fever Campaigns. I had a Presidential Director meeting Sunday morning following the event where Cody Ramsey stopped all of us and said, “I realized last night that in less than a year we have had a complete cultural change within our Affiliates. I am not the same person I was a year ago. The product experiences of Nopalea have changed our beliefs and our behavior.” I left that meeting overwhelmed with joy. The vision we had when we founded TriVita was happening – people experiencing wellness and sharing that experience with others. I drove back to Phoenix to have another meeting late into the night. This morning I have to meet with the Corporate Executive Team to let them know the effects of March Madness Fever so they can get prepared for the MMF growth effect!! It will be crazy at TriVita for a long time from the MMF effect!! 

I will post the Campaigns tomorrow! I promise… you and your Affiliates will want to know about them, as they will accelerate your business in a big way. Email your Affiliates and tell them to go this blog site for the MMF Campaigns that will be posted at 12:00 noon MST on March 2, 2010.   
