
Archive for December 2009

 In my last blog I mentioned that blog followers get information first, especially when it is the CEO’s blog! 

Well, here is “first-to-know” news: The reservation system for the Nopalea media co-op advertising is going live the Monday after Christmas (Dec. 28). You will have the opportunity to load your reservations at that time. As you know, those who attended the Galaxy of Stars will get their reservations fulfilled first. 

You will actually be able to purchase and place with this incredible new tool beginning January 4, 2010. Get 2 it! will be officially and fully launched! Excitement among our Presidential Director leadership group is at an all-time high. We have worked closely with them to bring these programs forward in 2010 to enhance your building experience. 

There will be a webinar the first week of January which will cover how to use the tool; be watching for an email from Marcus announcing this webinar training. This is a significant upgrade over the B-12 contact reservation system; it was developed to help you target and direct your purchases toward those who have recruited two people as part of the Get 2 it! program. This program is a very powerful way to reward the workers in your organization and drive growth.  

Look at all the wealth essentials that are incorporated into our Share and Earn program. As I wrote in my book, 10 Keys to Wealth, there are many essentials such as modeling, compounding, multiple income streams, systems, structures, reciprocity, desire, belief, goal setting, law of expression (which by the way, are all 10 of the essentials to building wealth)… and these all support the Share and Earn program! The combination of the Nopalea Wellness Challenge Gift of Health, the Affiliate Program and Get 2 it! opportunities, along with the income accelerator, give you an incredibly powerful business driver. 

If you just don’t “get it” then listen to what our leading Affiliate enroller told me. He said that many of the industry builders think this is the most powerful plan and product they have ever seen.  Charles has put in over 1000 new Affiliates since May, so he should know how powerful this opportunity is to the builder. In fact, he was so thrilled that the reservation system is going live and that the Nopalea co-op advertising is now ready to go, that he said he is changing the way he is going to build – as this will promote even faster growth than he has seen since May! That is pretty remarkable for someone who has brought in the all-time high numbers in 2009. 

Bryan Wirth told me he has given up golf for “three-way calls” because of the Get 2 it! program and the fast-track building he is experiencing. He said the week before Christmas had more field activity than at any time during the year in 2008. Everyone knows December is just not a good month for our industry except at TriVita. We are on track for a record-breaking December and for sure a “blow the doors down” record-breaking Affiliate enrollment in December. 

This is your time to Get 2 it! I hope you will enjoy the ride in 2010 and create greater wellness and wealth for your life purposes! I know it is going to be for me, as I am not only ramping up for the company growth, I have new wellness goals, fitness goals and spiritual goals. I will also be building my dream lake and live-stream fishery to enjoy with the many new Affiliates who join with TriVita and will accept my invitation to the ranch! 

May you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a very happy Get 2 it! prosperous New Year!   


I have some great, exciting, fabulous news for those of you who follow my blog! You are the first to hear the news after the Presidential Directors meeting last Friday. The television show tested extremely well, and produced the results we desired with everyone coming in through the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. What was so impressive is that a third of the responders upgraded to be Share and Earn qualified Affiliates. Never have we had this kind of response in our 10 year history! 

Get 2 it! should be your theme as we will begin fulfilling the reservations right after Christmas for those who attended the Galaxy of Stars which was our promise for attending the event. 

Next year will be an explosive growth year, so don’t wait! Get your Affiliates Share and Earn qualified and help them get their two Affiliates in place so they may receive three media contacts. I shared this with the Presidential Directors last week and I can promise you, I received exciting emails after the meeting. They have anticipated this announcement for three months during our testing phase. 

There has never been a more opportune time to build in TriVita as we have Nopalea delivering incredible wellness experiences, a Nopalea Wellness Challenge follow-up system with great tools, and now Get 2 it! is going live. I would encourage you to take advantage of the holidays in networking your contacts about the wonderful opportunity to experience greater wellness and wealth with TriVita. 

Yes, you can share this news with your Affiliates….Tell them blog followers always get the news first!!
