
Archive for October 2009

Here are more excited Affiliates to share with you what they are experiencing since the Galaxy of Stars and using their new tools with the Share and Earn System:

Don Wade

“Michael, to you and everyone who invested so much effort in making the Galaxy of Stars a wonderful event – thank you! I and those from our group who attended have been inspired to move forward with our TriVita business. We are using the Nopalea Wellness Challenge with great success. Those of our group who did attend the Galaxy event have all added several Members and Affiliates to their groups. The best part about the Wellness Challenge is the form. The form provides a structured format to qualify a prospect, get them to commit to participate and a method of follow up that most of us needed.

The new tools and those we anticipate coming to us soon are providing us many ways to reach more people, and do it more effectively. I am deeply thankful for the effort of you and everyone at Tri Vita to produce tools that help us build a business. For me, as you know, the true bottom line is our ability to offer a product that can change a person’s life.”  

Randy and Melo Clarke


Thank you for the privilege of letting me share….
You had mentioned at the Galaxy of the Stars event that ‘something about this bottle is spiritual, and that credit should go to the giver, it was a gift from God.’ Well, I have experienced your statement to be true. 
Since coming back from Arizona, my life, as well as my husband’s, has been moved dramatically. To explain this…I truly believe in the healing effects Nopalea provides, seeing the results first hand with my family and friends have proved it double fold here in Hawaii… We are so honored to be part of this global healing!
The effects of the training and the new tools like the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, the new Tasting Guide as well as the tools that comes with it, has helped us tremendously. Since the Galaxy event, we have signed up 3 new Affiliates and 14 people have accepted our Wellness Challenge. Because of this new tool to challenge them with feedback, both the receiver and us the giver have a sense of accountability; this has given me more confidence to follow up with the results they WILL experience.
The barriers of not having to pay the Affiliate Member cost of $35.00 have also been helpful. One of our new Affiliates that just signed up mentioned that he had been burned from so many companies that had only focused on attaining Members for the business that it was such a turn off to him. He had admitted that he is excited to be in business with a company that is truly dedicated to their product, that the pressure of signing up people is not the priority. He mentioned that ‘Now the
Share and Earn Program is truly a share and earn.’
Michael, we have felt the effects of going to the Galaxy event….if I could sum up with one word that would describe what I experienced, it would be ’INTEGRITY.’ – Integrity within your family, the people in the company and the Nopalea product. I don’t know if I mentioned this to you before but I have been praying as well as shouting out to the universe that I want to be a woman of integrity (one who will keep true and never be ashamed of doing what is right), that everyday of my life, every step that I take, I want to be a positive effect on people’s lives, especially for my family and for my people here in Hawaii. That is why I truly believe that meeting you and Susan was no coincidence. Thanks to you and your family, I now have the tools and the product to help me with my life’s purpose.”
Mahalo Nui Loa (Thank you so much)
A Hui Hou (Till we meet again)

 Robert Tullar

“I have so much positive I could say about the Galaxy of Stars (GOS).  I could write pages about all the new tools the TriVita Leadership is making available. I could also write pages about the growth we will see with the launch of ‘GET2IT.’  I could spend an hour talking about the venue for the GOS, the friendliness of the Westin Staff, the golf, the food and the beauty of the Scottsdale area in general. All of these are worthy subjects, but please allow to me share three other observances that continue to have a huge impact in how I work TriVita into everything I do. First, the warmness of the staff who greeted us on day one and were there for the whole event. The vision that the executive staff at TriVita has shared breathes within each of your staff members. I did not feel a single negative vibe at GOS; this is huge. Second, the miracle of wellness that we witnessed, that alone was worth the trip. Third, the Executive Staff you have assembled (which includes our Presidential Directors), they radiate The 10 Essentials in a manner that bonds and empowers the diversity such a large gathering brings.  

One of the most unique and outstanding features of TriVita is the multitude of tools that have been afforded us. Some of the new tools like ‘GET2IT,’ the Wellness Challenge, the Nopalea Tastings, and the beautiful PowerPoint training tools, coupled with a new line of Sonoran Bloom products soon to be released, provide a foundation for success that independently would take months, if not years, to build.

We have only just begun. Thank you.”

Tom and Lori Obey

We returned to Maine from the Galaxy on Sunday and hosted a training meeting with our local group the next evening. Those Affiliate Members embraced the new enhancements. Many of them are already sharing in a new way with the Wellness Challenge, the loading dose and pay it forward, and it is making a positive difference within our organization. 

It was nearly impossible to express to our Affiliates what we experienced as far as the ‘passion’ that emulated from each and every speaker we heard at the Galaxy this year.  Fortunately, our local Members heard Terry Newsome as he joined us for our 2nd Annual Maine Gala. He did a fabulous job representing the TriVita administrative team and connecting with our ‘Rising Stars.’ It is exciting to have Affiliates bringing in new Affiliates every week. It is difficult to get Maine people out of our state, but we believe we will have a larger group attending the Galaxy with us next year.  

The Nopalea Tasting is an easy way to grow a business. Lori hosted a Tasting at her local Curves with many individuals taking the Wellness Challenge. We believe the webinars are going to be a huge help in training both older & new Affiliates. Thank you TriVita for all you are doing to help us share these products with people who need them. What a wonderful way for us to live our lives….helping others improve their health. We are proud to be associated with TriVita.

I close with this chuckle – when opportunity knocks, open the door…even if you’re in your bathrobe!



“What is hoarded does not produce. What is unplanted does not grow. What remains un-given cannot yield a better benefit.” ~ This is an excerpt from my book Experience Wellness and Wealth Essentials 

The 2009 Galaxy of Stars triggered many inspiring comments from those Affiliates in attendance as they began to implement the Nopalea Wellness Challenge using the new form and tools. They are helping people experience wellness and are an “on fire” group of people that I could not be more excited about in sharing their success with you. Enjoy! 

John Windscheffel

“Going to Galaxy of Stars was one of the greatest investments I’ve ever made. This event was so inspiring that it not only changed the way I do my TriVita business, it has actually changed my life and the way I think. I was so excited when TriVita unveiled its new system with 3 simple steps –  it  gave me  the tools I need  for what I believe will be the biggest growth and personal reward of any venture I’ve ever been a part of. It is so easy to understand and 100% duplicatable. Anyone can do this. It is simply one of a kind! My encouragement to all is to be intentional about building your business. Read your TriVita weekly updates, be on the corporate training calls and use Affiliate Member Services 1-800-TRIVITA. If you commit, 2010 will be your most exciting year yet!  I am looking forward to record growth following this one unified system.  

Let’s GET2IT!” 

Nancy Finlon 

“I came home from the Galaxy of Stars completely galvanized and focused on TriVita and the Wellness Challenge. It is so wonderful to be able to help people.  

I am totally thrilled with the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. I have four people doing it right now. Three of them are actually waiting for their Nopalea Gift of Health. I have to call the fourth lady tomorrow because I actually handed her a bottle of Nopalea and she is doing the Challenge already. Two of these ladies are very interested and will probably enroll. The other two may also enroll because they were very excited to think that Nopalea will get rid of their pain. Your 3 Step System is totally awesome and so easy to do. Everywhere you go, people are complaining of pain of some sort. It’s a natural door opener for us to talk about our product experience and introduce Nopalea. I carry Nopalea with me in a cooler, and I also have our small plastic glasses with the Sonoran Bloom logo on them so I can give casual tastings. I am also setting up tasting parties. I ordered the new tools that you provided for us and downloaded and printed out the handouts. I’m training my group to do the same things, and I made sure that they are all aware of your Tuesday night trainings and the special six week training webinars that are going on right now. I love the Get2it program and can’t wait for it to begin.” 

Jake Buckendorf 

“I am fired up like I have never been before! After getting back from the Galaxy of Stars, my team has exploded. People like Amy McLeod who attended with me have kicked this Nopalea Wellness Challenge into high gear. In fact she is about to hit sixth gear! Watch out! The other two ladies Amy brought were Brenda and Deborah. Both of these gals have been giving out the Gift of Health like crazy! What the Galaxy of Stars has done for me and my other Affiliate Members is without a doubt the best thing that could have happened. The tools that TriVita has rolled out and the Get2it program is allowing us to bring on new Affiliates left and right!

 Since I have been back, I have given out over five Gifts of Health and enrolled just as many. My favorite story was sitting next to a man named Leroy on the plane on the way to Galaxy. He asked why I was traveling and I told him about Nopalea. He confessed all his pains to me and even told me about the $12,000 dual hip replacement his dog just had. I told him I would send him a bottle via Gift of Health. He told me “Kid if this stuff works I will buy more of this than you could imagine” and I kid you not, he had the bottle for two days before he bought a case. I could go on for hours with stories just like this one but who has time to sit and type? I would rather be out helping people and giving out the Gift of Health! 

Up, up and away! 

This company ROCKS Michael! The bases are loaded and you are about to hit a GRAND SLAM!” 

Irv Widmer

“Wow! The convention was great! The new tools are great! The new tools make everything easier, Since convention, I have several taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, looking at TriVita for the first time, as well as a few past Affiliates taking a new look. 

I think as we are careful to follow the Nopalea Challenge steps and get them the information, the Questionnaire, why the loading dose, and follow up, it’s a done deal.” 

Raymond Cox

“To try and share my passion is tough because it is so strong it would almost sound like hype!  But hype is enthusiasm without substance. I am pleased to share the 3 Step Share and Earn Program because it is no hype but pure substance. It works…period. When I first met you, Michael, at the launch of Nopalea in Arizona, I said, ‘Marcus and Garth, if people really knew what they had their hands on, you wouldn’t be able to contain them.’  It was then I decided to get excited and stay excited. Fast forward to Galaxy of Stars 2009 –  I was excited going in and on fire coming out. I registered five people the day before Galaxy of Stars and have registered the same amount since. More than a dozen Gifts of Health have been given since and with follow up I expect 30 to 40 new Affiliates this month and more than 100 next. People who would not feel confident sharing the business are regularly sharing a gift from their heart and belief in the product. You have not just created a wellness movement; a reciprocity movement has begun as well with simple and easy to replicate. So am I excited? Have I had success? High love and low expectation frees people to give a gift that just keeps giving. This train has started and is not stopping, and I pray everyone gets onboard.” 

By following the 3 Step Share and Earn System and its enhancer of the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, along with its accountability form, it’s amazing to see the difference in the results these Affiliates are experiencing. Systems can be evaluated and enhanced. Random behavior and reactions do not create sustainable duplicating growth and the creation of wealth. By becoming proficient in the steps of the System, you will enhance your opportunity and create better duplication for others to follow the 3 Step System. 

You can create greater wealth and wellness for life purposes. 


P.S.  Be sure to look for more inspirational comments in next week’s blog.

CEO Michael Ellison and his wife Susan are at their ranch in Colorado for a few days of well-deserved rest and relaxation. I am thrilled and extremely grateful to have the privilege of sharing my thoughts with you on Michael’s Blog… Terry Newsome, National Sales Director. 

I was sitting at my desk last Monday morning reflecting on the all of the amazing stories and activities from my “GOS” weekend at the Kierland Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. Ironically, I had just finished reading Michael’s latest blog reflecting the highlights of the 2009 Galaxy of Stars when my cell phone rang. I listened; said “thank you very much,” and then the magnitude of the call hit me like a ton of bricks. I had just been given the awesome privilege of writing Michael’s blog for Monday, October 12, 2009. I was honored beyond measure and absolutely thrilled to say the least. 

 I strongly agree with the scripture Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, from him much will be required,” so naturally I want to be a good steward of Michael’s trust by selecting a topic that would have the most impact on loyal Affiliates like you who read Michael’s Blog every week. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts about the tremendous impact the 2009 Galaxy of Stars is having on our Affiliate community, including the details regarding the “transformation” of our newest Presidential Director Cody Ramsey and his new passion for helping others experience wellness with Nopalea. 

Every year, without exception, TriVita’s Sr. VP of Sales and Marketing, Marcus Ellison and his team deliver a first-class Galaxy of Stars event. And just when you thought the Galaxy of Stars theme and format could not get any better, TriVita “stepped up to the plate” and delivered a life-changing, emotionally charged event this year that far exceeded everyone’s expectations. 

From a production standpoint, the event was perfect in every way. Marcus and his brother, Luke Ellison, (President of GDF Productions, Inc.) added a new dimension to this year’s event by featuring a series of high definition video clips throughout the event on a massive 40 foot screen. It was a sight to behold! In fact, Michael Ellison truly inspired all of us when he closed his compelling Friday morning message with the music video “Do it anyway” by Martina McBride.  

However, as powerful as the GOS video presentations were at the event, none of us could have anticipated the powerful impact of the two “live” Nopalea product testimonials on Saturday morning. In fact, we continue to receive hundreds of emails and phone calls expressing their gratitude. Many Affiliates firmly believe that it was the best event in the 10 year history of TriVita. Almost without exception, the top “take-aways” from the 2009 Galaxy of Stars were the inspirational Nopalea product testimonials from Cody Ramsey/Melissa Myers and Don Wade/Kimberly Jansen (more about Don and Kimberly in future blogs).  

As a TriVita “Million Dollar Club” Member, Cody has experienced tremendous financial success with TriVita over the past eight years building primarily with the MAP program as he pursued the “business opportunity” pathway. That strategy changed for Cody a few weeks ago at the most unlikely place. “My favorite fast-food restaurant is Sonic” Cody admitted, “and over the years my wife Marty and I developed a friendship with a young server named Melissa. One day I asked Melissa about the bright red ‘burns’ all over her arms and scalp. She told me that she had suffered from acute psoriasis for many years.” Cody then realized that Melissa had chronic inflammation (of the epidermis) and that Nopalea might be able to help her.  

Cody decided to “pay it forward” by giving Melissa a bottle of Nopalea. “Melissa rolled her eyes at me” Cody remembered, “but she said that she would try Nopalea…”  She went on to say that she had already tried every prescription pill, powder and steroid cream you could imagine and nothing had really worked for her. 

Cody was determined to make a difference in Melissa’s life and strongly recommended that she take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge by consuming a “loading dose” of three to six ounces of Nopalea every day. Cody followed up with Melissa on the third day and even gave her a second bottle of Nopalea after her first week on the product. It was at that point that Melissa’s life would begin to change forever! “I was so excited for her!”  Cody explained “I could see that Nopalea was helping to reduce the inflammation within her body and the psoriasis was rapidly disappearing! Melissa and I were BOTH truly amazed at the results!”  

Cody’s presentation at the event was compelling and after sharing Melissa’s inspiring story, he asked her to join him on stage. Melissa and Cody were full of emotion as they embraced after a standing ovation. For the first time in many years, Melissa was able to wear a sleeveless blouse in public without anxiety and without being embarrassed. Her psoriasis was almost non-existent and had been reduced down to a few small patches near her elbow and forearm. She was overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude. Melissa’s genuine tears of joy had a major impact on all of the lives she touched at the event as she shared the intimate details of her amazing Nopalea story. For me, it was an inspiring moment in time that I will never forget.  For CEO and Founder Michael Ellison, he saw the mission of TriVita and his global vision of taking wellness to the world take a giant step towards becoming a reality. In his closing remarks immediately following Melissa’s life-changing story, Michael shared his gratitude… “For 10 years I have dreamed of helping people like Melissa and Kimberly experience wellness to fulfill their life purposes. Today was a special day for all of us.”   

In closing, I can tell you with absolute certainty, that the life that was impacted the most during the 2009 Galaxy of Stars was not the life of Melissa Myers or even Michael Ellison… it was the life of Cody Ramey. During my follow-up phone interview with Cody he revealed… “I knew that Nopalea was making a difference in the lives of countless others. I just never realized the impact Nopalea would have on MY LIFE until I saw Melissa’s life-changing wellness experience. Michael Ellison was right – the Law of Reciprocity is a powerful reality. Melissa ‘gave back’ something to me that money can’t buy. Her story has given me a real sense of purpose for my life, and I can honestly say that I have been transformed. I no longer lead with TriVita’s business opportunity; my NEW passion is to help others experience wellness through the power of Nopalea! I have never been more excited about the future!”  

Terry Newsome



Cody & Melissa

 The Galaxy of Stars awards dinner ended with the appropriate climactic presentation of the Presidential Director award to Cody and Marty Ramsey.  Cody shared the story that changed his life forever: He introduced us to Melissa, an energetic 21-year-old who suffered from skin disorders caused by psoriasis. As she took the stage and shared her story, there was not a dry eye in the room.  Cody went on to deliver an incredible message of how sharing Nopalea will be his driving passion going forward.

 After the event, our suite was packed with over 20 people talking about the event, describing it as life-changing, incredible and emotionally overwhelming. There were even suggestions of replacing mint bowls on the tables with tissue boxes, so people could wipe away the tears of joy. Indeed, the event was an incredible experience – emotions ran high as people shared their stories of how Nopalea was helping lower inflammation and producing astonishing wellness experiences. 

Saturday afternoon as I reflected on what had transpired over the past two days, I knew I had moved from hope to belief. I just knew we would see our vision fulfilled.  Our Affiliates had caught the vision of sharing the Nopalea story and desiring others to have their own Nopalea wellness experience. Blaine Oelkers said it well as he was addressing the Affiliates: “We are in the business of helping create wellness experiences for people.”   

The Presidential Directors also spoke with passion and belief about the enhancements to the Share and Earn Program, which include the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and the Get 2 It program. I was excited to hear people saying, “Now I know what to do and have the tools and roadmap to build my business.” 

 We had our first Director breakout session and all our Directors endorsed the one-system approach for our future.  One hundred percent of our leaders accepted the invitation to become certified trainers of the Share and Earn Program. We hope to have 40 trainers in place by the first of the year to create an explosive program for 2010. The Directors also agreed to have a Director-only event at the new Ritz Carlton at Dove Mountain in Arizona.  This is going to be a great leadership event! 

As we were leaving the hotel Sunday morning, we were stopped by our Affiliates sharing their stories and excitement about the event.  This was truly the greatest event by far in our 10 years. The big 40-foot screen with all the video produced by our GDF production crew was amazing; we saw and felt the presentations like never before. If you did not get a chance to attend, talk to someone who did.  They can share in detail the amazing experiences of the event.  

This is the most opportune time ever to build in TriVita with all the new tools and system enhancements available.  The Nopalea television program is going into its last test phase and will be ready to roll out in November. We also announced that prospects will no longer have to purchase a Starter Kit to become Share and Earn qualified.  Now it is a seamless experience: from product experience to a free enrollment in the Affiliate program. Plus, until the Affiliate has made $500, they will not be required to provide their social security number. We are making it simple to share the Nopalea story and enroll Affiliates. These changes will be effective October 12. 

Make this your new mantra: Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and Get 2 It! 

A special thank you to Marcus Ellison, Terry Newsome, Ted Hernandez and Vickie White for their outstanding event planning and implementation of the 2009 Galaxy of Stars. It is going to be an exciting 12 months until the next one!


P.S.  Please click here to view the Galaxy of Stars 2009 video.

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