
Archive for June 2009

At the Atlanta Nopalea event I met a TriVita Affiliate Member who is an inspiration to me and I want to introduce her to you.  As I worked my way through the room talking with people after the presentation, I walked into the foyer, and sitting in her power cart by the Nopalea kiosk was a woman engaging with people, overwhelmed with excitement about Nopalea.

She introduced herself as Peggy Polonus and we had a few special minutes together talking about her life. She did a couple of 360s in her cart as she positioned herself to do a picture with me as Terry Newsome captured the moment.  I knew I had met a special person and really did not expect to meet her in the near future as I knew that childhood polio had resulted in a limiting physical situation. 

But as I entered the Charlotte Nopalea event, there was Peggy! She had driven the 400 miles to Charlotte and was helping as a volunteer.  Talk about commitment and excitement. Peggy has what I wish I could inject into people or better yet, package it as a gift and give it to people. 

I talked with Peggy by phone just last week.  She reported that her business through Share and Earn was up over 300% since the Atlanta event.  She has set a new goal of getting to Director and being at the Galaxy of Stars event to receive her award. 

She also shared with me that the daily leg pain she experienced from sitting in her power cart was gone. Before taking Nopalea, she would have tingling numbness and extreme pain in her legs. With Nopalea she was sleeping better and her quality of life had improved dramatically.  She never goes out anywhere (and she can really get around in her power cart) without taking her Nopalea product brochures or DVD so she is prepared to talk with people about Nopalea. 

Now here is a key message point that all of us can take from Peggy:  We all have our personal limitations but with belief and determination – packaged with excitement about the benefits of Nopalea – we can overcome them.  Some have limitations of fear but with courage to take action you overcome fear.  Some may not feel confident about presenting the story of Nopalea but there is a leader in your business line that can help you make a presentation.  Whatever limitation you have, remember that you can break through it and build your business with Nopalea.  It is a product that has amazing wellness benefits.  The stories coming in are absolutely incredible. 

Congratulations to Peggy for her accomplishments and sharing the Nopalea wellness and income benefits with others on her way to Director.


Seattle presented us with an unbelievably beautiful picture as we approached the airport, with the Space Needle anchoring the city skyline and snowcapped Mt. Rainier in the background.  Also unbelievable is that even though April, May and June are some of the rainiest months, we had sunny weather in every city but one that we visited on the tour. We had sunshine inside our tour as well.  We met many wonderful people throughout North America.  I am almost sad our pre-launch tour is finished but Nopalea has been launched and is driving new sales records. 

Thanks to the efforts of Dr. John and Gail Bianco, many Seattle-area health professionals attended the event and signed up as new Affiliate Members. The Nopalea story is being welcomed by many health professionals because they see inflammation running rampant in their patients – and we have a product that is delivering astonishing wellness results. 

My special surprise was to see Melo and Randy Clarke from Hawaii.  Susan and I met Melo at a beachside café and introduced her to the products of TriVita.  She and Randy flew to Seattle to sign up as Affiliate Members and for training: to take the Nopalea story back to Hawaii.  I am so excited about Hawaii and the impact we can have in the islands. 

“Share the Nopalea story,” is my motto for every day!!!!! 

I will be updating my blog each Monday with exciting stories of people who are experiencing wellness and accelerated income from their Nopalea experiences.  Next week I have an incredible story to share. 

My thanks to Matt Sommer for his outstanding efforts as our road manager.  People loved Matt. Vicki White gave it her all; working out the details of the tour to ensure that these events were a huge success. Our flight crew was fabulous.  Both Todd and Don worked hard – even at the events – in support of our efforts. We could not have managed this time frame had we flown commercial airlines.  We put in long, intense hours and back-to-back days sharing the Nopalea story.  

Our new emphasis is train, train, train.  And this Nopalea train is leaving town so be sure to jump on board for the ride: We are taking Nopalea to the world. 

Be sure to get Share and Earn qualified!!!! 

Thanks to everyone for giving me memories and friendships to last a lifetime! 



In our world of nutritional science, Portland stands out as a notable city being the birthplace of Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling. To think it was only 39 years ago in 1970 that he wrote the book Vitamin C and the Common Cold is still quite astonishing to me. Dr. Libby who brought to TriVita our flagship product Sublingual B-12 was a researcher with Linus Pauling on Vitamin C therapies. Their research was a major breakthrough in nutritional science. 

Today, the major breakthrough of significantly notable news is the Nopalea wellness experience that is helping people lower inflammation and giving them a greater quality of life. Portland was no different than the other recent cities as remarkable stories circulated the room of people experiencing major symptom relief from Nopalea. We have seen in just a little over two months when we introduced the product a groundswell of testimonials as people have now been on the product long enough for it to deliver its benefits. Our Nopalea tour has been like watching a rising ocean tide! 

As David Walker, an Affiliate Member for nine years said at the end of the meeting, “This is getting terribly exciting. Affiliates who have been seemingly backward about the business are now energized and excited about sharing the good news of Nopalea. They have a confidence that the product experience is exceptional, and the product is exclusive to TriVita. This is going to be explosive!” 

Judy Klein, a TriVita Director, said “My check went up substantially just on new Nopalea business last month, and it is surely going up again after this Portland Nopalea event. I could really get accustomed to this exciting growth in a hurry.” Judy also worked hard in helping coordinate many of the volunteers – thank you Judy! 

There are a number of outstanding new Affiliate Members who have recently joined TriVita. I fully expect to see outstanding leadership rise up from this already notable city. Be watching for names like Jake Buckendorf, Dwayne Phelps, Dr. Mark Walker and others who have caught the Nopalea vision. 

Late last night as I turned on my computer to finish out the day’s business and reflect on the Portland event, an email appeared from Ray who attended the Vancouver event. His words were, “Thank you for not only giving my wife’s life back through improved health, but also, thank you for giving me the opportunity of delivering my life’s calling and purpose through TriVita.” Ray said he has been waiting his whole life for TriVita. In just one event, his business opportunity exploded. He is driving down to meet me in Seattle bringing more guests to hear the Nopalea story.  

I believe there are “Rays” in every city waiting for someone to share the opportunity Nopalea offers them and the people of the world. I went to bed last night with such a peace and joy in my heart knowing that the mission of TriVita is truly being manifested in people’s lives like no other time in our history. We are truly on the verge of something very special.



As we began our descent into Vancouver, it lay glistening like a gem stone sparkling in the afternoon sun. Vancouver, voted as the most livable city in the world is certainly one of the most beautiful. 

We left our plane and took our road and flight team to celebrate our last Canadian tour city event. At the Boathouse Restaurant Matt Sommer, our road manager, sat mesmerized by the views, saying, “This is the city I have instantly fallen in love with.”  When the sun shines, it is most spectacular! 

Now I sit here after the day’s events and personal meetings, realizing that Vancouver probably set the new total attendance records for the tour events. I want to express my appreciation to Garth Borthistle, our General Sales Manager, Barry Borthistle, TriVita’s Co-Founder, and his wife Ruth, now Presidential Directors, and Jillian and Terry Johnston for the effort they gave. Thanks also to the volunteers for making this a great success. 

One thing I am certain of – Nopalea is having a profound wellness effect upon a lot of people. The stories that people share are just astonishing. I will always be eternally grateful for the discovery of Nopalea and the wellness experience it delivers. When medical doctors are willing to endorse and give testimony as to their personal wellness experience with Nopalea, you know something very special is happening.

 Many people expressed their excitement about taking Nopalea to other countries. I think Canada will become another doorway to the world. Canadians have embraced this product with such overwhelming enthusiasm; it is now the leading product in both unit and total sales. That is quite amazing in just 60 days. 

There were a number of very skilled professionals that made huge commitments in helping take Nopalea to the market place. I have big expectations of what these people can do. Be watching for some major growth to happen out of this Vancouver event. 



Calgary is like a beacon on a hill drawing people towards the west. The beauty and majesty of the Rockies lay just ahead where the sun sets. Banff with all its allure draws people into a state of awe with almost unparalleled beauty. I love this area! 

I have a desire and commitment to see Calgary rise up and be a beacon for wellness in these foothills of the Rockies. I challenged everyone yesterday to become the fastest growing group from a Nopalea event over the next six months. Toronto holds the lunch event record and Winnipeg the event attendance record, so Calgary might as well have the growth record. It was true western “Calgary stamped” hospitality shown to all of us. Tor Camren did a great job leading the volunteers. We went through every Affiliate enrollment kit that we had designated for Calgary and are sending more from the home office. A very good sign of growth is on its way in Calgary. 

I was really surprised at the number of people who had already been on Nopalea and the number of incredible testimonies from those experiencing major symptom-relief, adding to their quality of life. Carl and Michele Baily are new Affiliate Members. They excitedly shared their vision for how TriVita could help their life purpose. They enjoy doing mission work in Central America, and now their TriVita business will support that effort giving them the flex time to come and go.  

Establishing the “WHY” you want greater wellness and wealth is one of the most powerful things a person can do in their life. It acts like a magnetic force of true north to a compass in keeping you going forward to achieve the desired results for your life purposes.  

Nopalea is now the leading product in Canada in just 40 days. Think about that. We have never seen anything even remotely like this in the past with such incredible testimonies to go along with it. We are getting close to the end of our pre-launch tour. Everywhere we go people ask, “Will you come back and hold training events and help us build with this amazing Share and Earn Program with Nopalea?” Terry is all over this idea. Watch for the EXPERIENCE WELLNESS TRAINING events to be announced in the near future.  

We added another group to the list of those taking Nopalea on this tour. It now is being given to Trotter horses to help them overcome inflammation and give them a racing edge! 

Pets of all kinds like rats, cats, dogs and horses are all benefitting from Nopalea!!!  So can you!


It was not a cold day in Winnipeg – the sun was bright, creating a cheerful and grand day. 

Just like the words in their National Anthem, “Oh Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons’ command, with glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free!” The Winnipeg group rose to the occasion setting a new evening record in attendance and may have set a new enrollment record. Wow! 

People drove from hundreds of miles to be there. The volunteer group was amazing. My special thanks to Norf and Cheryl Fiorentino, Delfina Fiorentino, Dave and  Corrine Blackmore, Ron Freynet, James Holland, Lorne Timchuk and a host of others who gave it all their best. Winnipeg is back on fire! Terry Newsome was awesome, and Brazos was top of his game. Garth Borthistle made it in from Toronto the night before cheering on the homeland. 

The toast is always a favorite time in the evening event, and it was no different in Toronto. We will post the picture as soon as we get it. It was a packed out full house. 

There were great testimonies from people who had already begun taking Nopalea. It is truly amazing to see how Nopalea is delivering such an outstanding wellness experience. I believe if people will stay with this product long-term, they will have a better quality of life. And what more could you ask from a product! 


We arrived in Toronto Monday evening with the clouds breaking up and a hint of sunshine over the city. What a beautiful place and green in so many ways. Toronto is one of the most environmentally progressive cities in the world. In fact, in 2004 they banned all pesticide use from lawn and parks throughout the municipality. I felt an immediate bonding with a city that wants its people to live a healthier life without pesticide-induced illnesses. 

Torontonians created a new bar for attendance in both the luncheon and the evening event. What a remarkable surge of activity by our Affiliates in the last three weeks. 

The meetings were jammed, and the people were engaged as we shared the Nopalea story. Garth Borthistle, our general manger of TriVita Canada, greeted the people with recognition for their efforts in breaking the attendance records.  Garth has really gotten behind these events, encouraging people to participate.  Thank you Garth for the great effort.  

Monday sales in Canada, even without the events, saw Nopalea sales surge past Sublingual B-12 by over 100%. In just 30 days, Nopalea is by far the number one selling product in Canada! This is just the beginning, and I believe Canada is our gateway to many countries throughout the world. 

Watch the name of Mary Wang. She worked with such intensity throughout the day signing up seven new Affiliates. I am very grateful for this kind of belief and acceptance of our mission. As Bryan Wirth said on the Monday night call, action breaks down fear. Mary has no fear by her actions. Chuck Kemp, long standing Affiliate Member, was very active in recruiting and getting people to attend. Karim Premji and Super Dave were there supporting every effort of the company, helping with event details and encouraging the volunteers throughout the long day. 

Terry Newsome was awesome sharing his story and his belief in the mission of TriVita. Many people were inspired with his wellness journey. They applauded his efforts and journey towards a healthier life. I know this is only the beginning of something very unusual and special happening at TriVita. We are a community of wellness seekers and our seeking to express our beliefs and passion is rising to an all time high. This is our hour and time with an incredible product that will help people experience greater wellness. 

Let’s pursue it with passion and believe we can make a difference in our world.   


Enjoying the rapport in Toronto

Enjoying the rapport in Toronto

Brazos with a captive audience

Brazos with a captive audience