
Archive for April 2009

I arrived downstairs at 7:30 am Wednesday morning to be picked up with Brazos Minshew and Cody Ramsey to fly to Tampa. Terry Newsome, Matt Sommer, and Mitch Lover were already on the road and nearly to Tampa. I called Terry and asked them if they got any sleep as Terry was sending pictures for the Orlando blog at 3:30 in the morning. These guys are working hard. What an incredible job they are doing. Terry told me they didn’t get much sleep, but we are going to have a great luncheon in Tampa.  

The room was packed again, and we gave up our table to the unexpected guests for lunch and had a table set up in the last square foot of space available in the room. Brazos did a great job telling the Nopalea story and helped people come to an “aha” moment that “if we live in a toxic environment where the air is polluted, the water is polluted and the food is grown with pesticides and fertilizers, we are inflamed. This is because the body has to respond with inflammation to any invader that creates an imbalance or is unnatural to the cell.”  People got it! 

It was great for me to meet Kelly Reese, Charles and Karen Possick along with their son, Joshua. These tours are wonderful opportunities for me to meet people that I would never normally meet otherwise. 

Terry and I had a 2:30 pm private meeting with a serious builder who loves Nopalea. It was exciting to hear a major builder from the field say it has to start with the product. The benefits of the product are going to drive this Nopalea explosion. After the meeting I was less than two hours away from sound check and needed some food, as I can’t eat lunch and do presentations at same time. I hadn’t eaten since 6:30 in the morning! This road work really changes one’s routine, but I love being with the people.   

Hearing the wellness stories of people on Nopalea only for a short period of time is firing my jets.  These are not just little feel good stories…these are people whose lives are being dramatically changed. Denise Wilson’s husband suffers from diabetes and from neuropathy so bad that he could hardly walk. He is now up moving and jumping around like he is 25 again. She had people attending tonight just because they saw the near miraculous recovery of Bruce on Nopalea.  

The momentum is building on the tour….I got a report tonight that the Tina Gonda group in Charlotte is, as Terry Newsome says, “on fire!” Can’t wait to get there, as that is the beginning of the next three tour cities. 

We end this leg of the tour Thursday in Atlanta. The luncheon has jumped way beyond our expectations in Atlanta. We have some really outstanding new people and potential new builders there. I have always loved the anticipation of fishing especially for trout. Going from city to city has all kinds of anticipation as to who you are going to meet that could be another Presidential Director. I want more leaders in TriVita. If you know a special person in any of the upcoming cities, sponsor them at the luncheon, even if you can’t be there. 

It is late and I have to be up before dawn!!! 


Tampa's valued volunteers!

Tampa's valued volunteers!

As the wheels of our plane touched down in Orlando, I had an immediate flash back to 11 years ago before we founded TriVita. I remember talking to a business associate about a desire I had to found a company that would have a mission of bringing wellness to the world. A company where people would be passionate about wellness and would share the products and wellness information with others. That was the first person outside my family that I shared this idea with.  Now 11 years later, what an incredible joy to see thousands of people, medical professionals, employees, Affiliate Members and Members involved with TriVita and sharing wellness.   

The noon luncheon in Orlando was filled with people who were eager to learn more about Nopalea and the Share and Earn program. I don’t think the room could have been more electrified with emotion. It was a great experience. I offered a taste of Nopalea in the form of a toast to their wellness success, as well as their increased income. We had them all raise the glass in one hand and the bottle of Nopalea in the other. Wait till you see that picture.   

We had several very experienced builders who were invited by Mitch Lover, one of our Presidential Directors. He worked hard at getting key builders to this event who otherwise may have never come to Scottsdale to check out the company. I am thrilled that all of the builders made a decision to join TriVita. The power of one to one is amazing. You will hear much more about these people in the future. Great lesson for all of us…get your prospects to the luncheon, as it is a wonderful way to introduce them to TriVita. 

The evening had its great joy for me as many people shared their experience and belief in the products. One couple stood out to me just glowing with enthusiasm and belief as I presented the Nopalea story. Afterwards they came forward to introduce themselves and said, “We have been Members for nine years, almost from the beginning.” “We love the products, but we have never become Affiliates.” “We are joining, and can’t wait to get started.” Wow! Many weren’t just mildly enthusiastic – but almost wildly enthusiastic about TriVita!   

It is nearly midnight…I presented in two meetings, and I am so at peace that this is right for TriVita and for me. I had to meet these people in their home city. I needed them, and they needed us to confirm what they saw and felt in our publications. We are making lifetime friends. I am going to bed to rise early to go to Tampa…I know we have another outstanding day in just a few hours.   

MichaelNopalea Toast

Michael - OrlandoDr. Minshew 

Michael Ellison CEO/Founder

Michael Ellison CEO/Founder

Monday I left home as if a new era in my life was being launched…I was taking the mission of my life and TriVita to the world city by city.  This was the day when I would have the opportunity of inviting people on a one to one personal encounter to go on a wellness journey with me and to invite others to join us.  The city tour date for departure was finally here.

As I arrived at the office I was surprised at the number of emails and phone calls wishing me bon voyage.  As I left my office to go out the lobby, I was totally surprised by nearly the whole company standing there cheering me on to this new adventure.  What a great sendoff.  The company is really fired up on these city tours like I have never seen it and taking Nopalea to the world.  If our Affiliate Members get fired up like the company, this is going to be an awesome few months.

We arrived at the plane just before noon with Brazos Minshew, Matt Sommer and Cody Ramsey traveling with me.  Matt is our road manager taking care of all the details. He has a big job! He was so nervous riding in a small jet he was ashen white.  Any bump he responded by grabbing the seat in front of him as if it was going to save him. We gave Matt a bad time but we got him in the cockpit with the pilot for few minutes.  By the time the wheels touched down in Orlando, he was ready to fly the plane.

Terry was here to greet us with a warm engaging “welcome to Florida.”   He was so jacked about having 70 people registered for the luncheon.  Steve Barron and Susan Wright, who are Directors worked hard over the past month recruiting and enrolling people.  Mitch Lover, one of our fine Presidential Directors came here from Phoenix to engage with his business line. Cody was so excited about the event, he even put up advertising money for inviting attendees to the event.  It worked well he told me.

What a great first day….I am excited about our first luncheon, which will happen in just a few hours.  I will report tomorrow on the first meetings in Orlando.